
Magnum Enterprises

Magnum Enterprises

Magnum Enterprises

  • Viking Wood Shield Viking Wood Shield

    Viking Wood Shield

    Magnum Enterprises

    Defend yourself with this wood shield. Wield it as it is, or paint it to look like your own custom shield.  
  • Black Knight Wood Sword

    Black Knight Wood Sword

    Magnum Enterprises

    The sword of the arch nemesis!  Who will take the battle with their mighty sword? Wield this sword as it is, or paint it to look like your own custom sword.  
  • Samurai Wood Sword

    Samurai Wood Sword

    Magnum Enterprises

    Not every sword belongs to a knight. Samurai were fierce warriors who carried a fierce sword.  Wield this sword as it is, or paint it to your custom specifications.  
  • White Knight Wood Sword

    White Knight Wood Sword

    Magnum Enterprises

    Charge in on your white horse and be the hero! Wield the White Knight sword as it is, or paint it to look like your own custom sword.  Sword measures 23.5 in. 
  • Highlander Wooden Sword / Dagger

    Highlander Medieval Wood Sword

    Magnum Enterprises

    Every little boy loves to play dress up, and this 14" wooden sword makes an excellent accessory to any dress up outfit.  Leave it exactly as it is in it's natural wooden state, or customize it...
  • The Scally Wag - Wooden Play Sword

    The Scally Wag Sword

    Magnum Enterprises

    Arr, me matey. Grab ye' Scally Wag er walk the plank!  Found yourself in a pickle with those mean pirates again, did you? Slice that pickle out of existence with the Scally Wag wooden play...
  • The Noble - Wooden Play Dagger

    The Noble Play Dagger

    Magnum Enterprises

    "We are the [Noble] Knights Who Say 'NIH', and we approve this wooden play dagger!" - [Noble] Knights of Nih. What better way to protect your nobility other than with the Noble play dagger? The...
  • The Squire - Wooden Play Dagger

    The Squire Play Dagger

    Magnum Enterprises

    Whether the year is 1356 or today, there's no time like the present to grab your toys and imagine you're back in the medieval days. The Squire is an excellent choice when parading through the kingdom...
  • Mini Marshmallow Shooter Mini Marshmallow Shooter

    Mini Marshmallow Shooter

    Magnum Enterprises

    This slingshot recalls the days of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. The corners of the handle have been rounded for a comfortable grip, and the pouch is made of genuine leather. Why is it called a Mini...
  • Rubber Band Gun Spinner Target

    Rubber Band Gun Spinner Target

    Magnum Enterprises

    This colorful spinning target has fold out legs and is great for having contests and keeping score. The size of the target is 9" wide by 5/12" high by 4" deep with the legs extended.