Kids and parents who own these award-winning scooters agree that they are the best!
It has 3 wheels so it's very stable. It's lean-to-steer design allows the child to get on and go! It teaches balance, coordination, and motor skills while they use their body weight to gently curve left or right.
The scooter has polyurethane wheels which means:
- exceptionally smooth glide
- quiet ride
- can ride it inside because it doesn't leave black marks on the floor
The Mini is low-to-the-ground and large enough for both feet, making it easy for riders to hop on and off or to switch from pushing to simply enjoying the ride. The Mini's light weight (only 3.3 lbs), makes it easy for young kids to control and maneuver and convenient to pick up and carry when need be. The rear 'spoon' brake provides additional control, adding to the safety and fun. Learning to ride the Mini is easy and intuitive for even the youngest kids. The older children become proficient with the leaned-to-steer, appearing to be almost 'surfing' the sidewalk, as they curve right and left. Parents love the Mini Kick because their children ride it daily, year after year.
They have a modular construction which means all parts are replaceable!
Suggested age is 3-5, but we have found that kids even smaller love this. It has a 44 pound weight limit.
The deck is 22" long x 9.25" wide and the rubber coated handle is 24" from deck to top.