3D Blue Macaw Kite
This 3D Macaw kite has wings that span an impressive 74 inches. (That's over 6 feet!) With a head and body that inflate with the wind, this one's sure to catch some eyes.
Flying tips:
Find an open spot without trees or buildings nearby. These can make the wind turbulent and the kite unstable.
If you're having trouble launching, have someone take the kite and walk it far downwind (so the wind is blowing on your back as you face the kite) while you let out the line. When you pull the line, the kite should rise quickly into more stable air than is near the ground.
To increase the life of your line, don't wind the kite in directly from the sky. This stores the line under tension and weakens it. Instead, wind it in as someone else pulls the kite down so the line isn't wound super tight.
Double check that you have all your rods before leaving the flying area.
- Wind range: 7 - 18 mph
- Kite Size (W X L): 74 x 50 in.
- Kite fabric: Ripstop Nylon
- Kite frame: Fiberglass
- Line: Includes 170 ft. 25 lb. Test Line
- Fun for anyone 8 and up